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just my view~



People can be lied easily as long they get the proofs of anything that happens or that have been told. They never discuss about it even they doubt it especially in any sensitive issues.

From the zeitgeist movie, we just realize that something happens is not like what we imagine, and its just open our mind more.

The 911 tragedy just a conspiration by the US government to attact Arabic countries which is their enemy. US government make this 911 tragedy like an attack from terrorist and they give the world proofs and evident to putting the blame on arabic countries instead being blame.

As we know, US government is the government that controls the world body in many ways in order to conquer this world. They tend to do anything in order to make sure they get what they wants.

~US government

~ To destroy the arabic countries
~to conquer the world

~ Attack the weak and undeveloped countries
~control the worldbody and laws. e.g; UNO,WorldBank.
~ Bring the ideology that arabic is terrorist

~USA, New York City

~Others countries just follow the legislation and afraid to speak up their opinions
~ World laws and WorldBOdy being implemented by US government
~ Arabic countries being attack and destroy


From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, zeitgeist can be defined as the spirit of the age and its society.

"Zeitgeist" refers to the ethos of an identified group of people that expresses a particular world view which is prevalent at a particular period of socio-cultural progression.

in my opinion, zeitgeist is like a new philosophy that i call it as zeitgeistism.

as what my friend told me, from the book 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins, zeitgeist is like amoment where the philosophy that being introduce is practical and being celebrate. But when the world have been change times by times, this philosophy cannot give influence more becausepeoples tend to believe in other zeitgeistism(new philosophy) that suit with their life and era.

*post ini adlh nukilan aku during my architecture era.dipetik dr web wan b, mungkin skrg aku sudah xmampu nk brfikir seperti ini.tiade lg tekanan2 yg mampu mneyebabkan otak ini utk mengeluarkan idea yg bernas.just enjoy this pos coz sgt nostalgik(^_^)*

saya sayang family saya~


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khairul izwan bin padil

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