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Johor or most local call  JOHO is a Malaysian state, located in the southern portion of Peninsular Malaysia. It is one of the most developed states in Malaysia. The state capital city and royal city of Johor is Johor Bahru, formerly known as Tanjung Puteri (Malay for Princess's Cape) and Muar respectively. The old state capital is Johor Lama. (source: wikipedia)

happy holiday!! ya, cuti untuk warga johor je n yang bkerja d johor (macam kau hari2 punch kad je kan!). maap ye mereka2 yg kerja d KL mahupun jiran johor: Melaka, selamat bekerja, haha.. nothing much done today, g pasar, masak (nafsu makan mencacak naek skrg) , wat jurnal (duhh, even during holiday??), melepak n opkos, surfing.

* result UPSR dh kuar, n my ex-school doing great! kompem abahsayam bangga, haha

saya sayang family saya~


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